In Development

With 20 years of experience, Prospect Arts’ an award-winning international production company has told stories for some of the most well-respected brands and non-profit organizations across the globe. Our team has traveled on over 300 international shoots, working in-depth with the vulnerable and broken. Our passion and privilege is in finding glimmers of hope in every story they tell.
Our Vision is to inspire hope, and move people from awareness to advocacy. We want to tackle the complex challenges that the world faces; social and economic poverty, injustice and environmental degradation. Through positive and thought-provoking storytelling, highlighting impact and solutions, we hope to change the way people see and interact with the world.
Our films are authentic and up-lifting. Our drive is to showcase creativity, beauty and innovation through every story we tell, and celebrate the good things around us. We want to inspire, educate, and ultimately move people towards more positive ways of living; caring for the environment, showings acts of love, generosity and mercy.
We believe there is always a hopeful message, and it is that message of hope that will inspire and drive people for social and environmental change.